Generated by TestNG with ReportNG at 21:47 PST on Sunday 05 March 2023
root@f9c07ffec79b / Java 17.0.2 (Private Build) / Linux 4.14.281-212.502.amzn2.x86_64 (amd64)

External Component - testing external component settings and connectivity

Suites · Log Output

Test duration : 6.917s

Passed Tests
addConnectionAccept 0.258s
2023-03-05 22:09:40 |

2023-03-05 22:09:40 | null / [TestClass name=class tigase.tests.ext.ComponentProtocolTest]

2023-03-05 22:09:40 | ------------------------------------

2023-03-05 22:09:40 | [Mutex] waiting for: [item:add]

2023-03-05 22:09:40 | [Mutex] received everything.

2023-03-05 22:09:40 | [Mutex] isItemNotified: item:add:success :: true

addConnectionConnect 0.035s
2023-03-05 22:09:43 |

2023-03-05 22:09:43 | null / [TestClass name=class tigase.tests.ext.ComponentProtocolTest]

2023-03-05 22:09:43 | ------------------------------------

2023-03-05 22:09:43 | [Mutex] waiting for: [item:add]

2023-03-05 22:09:43 | [Mutex] notify: [connection:established:true]

2023-03-05 22:09:43 | [Mutex] waiting for: [item:add]

2023-03-05 22:09:43 | [Mutex] received everything.

2023-03-05 22:09:43 | [Mutex] isItemNotified: item:add:success :: true

2023-03-05 22:09:43 | [Mutex] received everything.

2023-03-05 22:09:43 | [Mutex] isItemNotified: connection:established:true :: true

2023-03-05 22:09:43 | [Mutex] waiting for: [items:cleared]

2023-03-05 22:09:43 | [Mutex] received everything.

2023-03-05 22:09:43 | [Mutex] isItemNotified: items:cleared:success :: true

testConnection1 2.002s
2023-03-05 22:09:38 |

2023-03-05 22:09:38 | null / [TestClass name=class tigase.tests.ext.ComponentProtocolTest]

2023-03-05 22:09:38 | ------------------------------------

testRemoval1 2.020s
2023-03-05 22:09:41 |

2023-03-05 22:09:41 | null / [TestClass name=class tigase.tests.ext.ComponentProtocolTest]

2023-03-05 22:09:41 | ------------------------------------

2023-03-05 22:09:41 | [Mutex] waiting for: [items:cleared]

2023-03-05 22:09:41 | [Mutex] received everything.

2023-03-05 22:09:41 | [Mutex] isItemNotified: items:cleared:success :: true

testRemoval2 2.009s
2023-03-05 22:09:43 |

2023-03-05 22:09:43 | null / [TestClass name=class tigase.tests.ext.ComponentProtocolTest]

2023-03-05 22:09:43 | ------------------------------------

2023-03-05 22:09:43 | [Mutex] waiting for: [items:cleared]

2023-03-05 22:09:43 | [Mutex] received everything.

2023-03-05 22:09:43 | [Mutex] isItemNotified: items:cleared:success :: true

updateConnectionAccept 0.257s
2023-03-05 22:09:40 |

2023-03-05 22:09:40 | null / [TestClass name=class tigase.tests.ext.ComponentProtocolTest]

2023-03-05 22:09:40 | ------------------------------------

2023-03-05 22:09:40 | [Mutex] waiting for: [item:update]

2023-03-05 22:09:40 | [Mutex] received everything.

2023-03-05 22:09:40 | [Mutex] isItemNotified: item:update:success :: true