XMPP Server functional tests.

  1. Get server version
  2. Server configuration
  3. Server statistics
  4. Script with functional tests for all basic XMPP/Jabber features
  5. Script for MUC component tests
  6. Script for PubSub component tests
  7. Administration commands tests
  8. Tests for Virtual Hosts implementation in the server
  9. Testing bosh component
  10. Testing bosh component in keep-alive mode
  11. Multi-threaded tests for various XMPP functions

Test start time: Sep 26, 2009 10:37:22 PM

Server version info:

Name:  Tigase
Version:  4.3.1-b1858
OS:  Mac OS X-x86_64-10.6.1, Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM-14.1-b02-90-Apple Inc.
Local IP:
Remote IP:

Server basic configuration parameters:

sess-man:admin-scripts-dir scripts/admin/
sess-man:admins admin@test-d
sess-man:auth-repo-class tigase.db.jdbc.JDBCRepository
sess-man:auth-repo-url jdbc:derby:tigase-derbydb;create=true
sess-man:component-id sess-man@devel.tigase.org
sess-man:def-hostname devel.tigase.org
sess-man:max-queue-size 23300
sess-man:plugins jabber:iq:register, jabber:iq:auth, urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl, urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind, urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session, roster-presence, jabber:iq:privacy, jabber:iq:version, http://jabber.org/protocol/stats, starttls, vcard-temp, http://jabber.org/protocol/commands, jabber:iq:private, urn:xmpp:ping, basic-filter, domain-filter
sess-man:plugins-conf/roster-presence/dynamic-roster-classes tigase.xmpp.impl.DynamicRosterTest
sess-man:skip-privacy false
sess-man:trusted admin@test.test-d
sess-man:user-repo-class mysql
sess-man:user-repo-url jdbc:mysql://localhost/tigasetest?user=tigase&password=mypass&cacheRepo=off

Tests results:

Test name Result Total time OK Average Description History
Version success 0 sec 1 20 ms Get server version Version
Configuration success 0 sec 1 72 ms Server configuration Configuration
Statistics success 0 sec 1 151 ms Server statistics Statistics
Test 1 success 0 sec 1 1 ms Plain socket connect. Test 1
Test 2 success 0 sec 1 47 ms Stream open to server. Test 2
Test 3 success 1 sec 1 1304 ms SSL socket connect. Test 3
Test 4 success 0 sec 1 48 ms XEP-0077 - In-Band Registration, register Test 4
Test 5 success 0 sec 1 24 ms XEP-0078 Non-SASL authorization with plain password. Test 5
Test 6 success 0 sec 1 16 ms XEP-0078 Non-SASL authorization with digest password. Test 6
Test 7 success 0 sec 1 19 ms TLS connection open Test 7
Test 8 success 0 sec 1 28 ms SASL authorization Test 8
Test 9 success 0 sec 1 32 ms XMPP resource bind Test 9
Test 10 success 0 sec 1 41 ms Establish XMPP session Test 10
Test IO success 2 sec 10 200 ms Checking Tigase IO subsystem Test IO
Test 11 success 0 sec 1 87 ms Send a message to self user and don't wait for response Test 11
Test 12 success 0 sec 1 20 ms Send a message to all-xmpp-test_1 user Test 12
Test 13 success 0 sec 1 3 ms XEP-0092 - get entity version Test 13
Test 14 success 0 sec 1 158 ms XEP-0039 Statistics Gathering Test 14
Test 15 success 0 sec 1 427 ms Roster management test Test 15
Test 16 success 0 sec 1 318 ms Privacy lists management test Test 16
Test 17 success 0 sec 1 18 ms Privacy lists - send a message to blocking-test-user_1 user Test 17
Test 18 success 0 sec 1 24 ms Send a message to long-list-user_1 user Test 18
Test 19 success 0 sec 1 86 ms XEP-0049: Private XML Storage Test 19
Test 20 success 0 sec 1 23 ms Test for feature-not-implemented error which should be returned when client sends unsupported stanza Test 20
Test 21 success 0 sec 1 213 ms XEP-0054: vcard-temp Test 21
Test 22 success 0 sec 1 109 ms XEP-0199: XMPP Ping to domain 'test-d' the user is logged in Test 22
Test 23 success 0 sec 1 251 ms XEP-0199: XMPP Ping to another, vrtual domain 'test-domain' on the server Test 23
Test 24 success 0 sec 1 160 ms XEP-0030: XMPP Service Discovery Test 24
Test 25 success 1 sec 2 319 ms Presence subscription test between 'admin' and 'all-xmpp-test'. Test 25
Test 26 success 0 sec 2 152 ms Presence cancel test between 'admin' and 'all-xmpp-test'. Test 26
Test 27 success 0 sec 2 162 ms Presence unsubscribe test between 'admin' and 'all-xmpp-test'. Test 27
Test 28 success 0 sec 2 178 ms Presence subscription between 'admin' and 'all-xmpp-test' again to prepare for the next test. Test 28
Test 29 success 0 sec 2 201 ms Remove subscribed contact 'all-xmpp-test' from the roster of the user 'admin', all subscriptions should be cancelled automatically by the server. Test 29
Test 30 success 0 sec 2 145 ms 2 user connections, each using a different resource. Test 30
Test 31 success 0 sec 2 190 ms Presence subscription deny test between 'admin' and 'all-xmpp-test'. Test 31
Test 32 success 0 sec 1 13 ms Send a message without resource binding and expect an error response. Test 32
Test 33 success 0 sec 1 15 ms USER_STATUS command test to ensure interoperability with Yate Test 33
Test 34 success 0 sec 1 5 ms USER_STATUS command test to ensure security, should receive forbidden error. Test 34
Test 35 success 0 sec 1 14 ms Check whether the tester user account responds Test 35
Test 36 success 0 sec 1 12 ms Send a command to tester_1 user to generate 10 messages on the server. Test 36
Test 37 success 0 sec 1 30 ms Send a command to tester_1 user to generate 100 messages on the server. Test 37
Test 38 success 0 sec 1 233 ms Send a command to tester_1 user to generate 1000 messages on the server. Test 38
Test 39 success 1 sec 1 1228 ms Send a command to tester_1 user to generate 10000 messages on the server. Test 39
Test 40 success 5 sec 1 5937 ms Send a command to tester_1 user to generate 100000 messages on the server. Test 40
Test 41 success 0 sec 1 122 ms Dynamic roster storage test Test 41
Test 42 success 0 sec 1 82 ms Dynamic roster merge test Test 42
MUC 1 success 0 sec 1 29 ms Send room create presence request to MUC component. MUC 1
PubSub 1 success 0 sec 1 39 ms Get version from the pubsub component. PubSub 1
PubSub 2 success 0 sec 1 59 ms Create a new node in the pubsub component. PubSub 2
PubSub 3 success 0 sec 1 12 ms Add subscriptions to the node in the pubsub component. PubSub 3
PubSub 4 success 0 sec 1 12 ms Add affiliations to the node in the pubsub component. PubSub 4
PubSub 5 success 0 sec 1 42 ms Create a collection node in the pubsub component. PubSub 5
RosterMan 1 success 0 sec 1 273 ms Register user mgmt Ad-Hoc script RosterMan 1
RosterMan 2 success 0 sec 1 153 ms Ad-Hoc user mgmt - Adding user RosterMan 2
RosterMan 3 success 0 sec 1 26 ms Ad-Hoc user mgmt - Check added user RosterMan 3
RosterMan 4 success 0 sec 1 43 ms Ad-Hoc user mgmt - Removing user RosterMan 4
RosterMan 5 success 0 sec 1 30 ms Ad-Hoc user mgmt - Check removed user RosterMan 5
RosterMan 6 success 0 sec 1 41 ms Ad-Hoc user mgmt - Non existing user check RosterMan 6
RosterMan 7 success 3 sec 2 531 ms Adding and removing user to logged in user using Ad-Hoc and live roster update RosterMan 7
VHost 1 success 0 sec 1 12 ms XEP-0199: XMPP Ping to virtual domain 'test-domain' on the server VHost 1
VHost 2 success 0 sec 1 13 ms Reloading VHosts from non-admin account, expecting error message VHost 2
VHost 3 success 0 sec 1 29 ms Updating VHost from non-admin account, expecting error message VHost 3
VHost 4 success 0 sec 1 79 ms Removing VHost from non-admin account, expecting error message VHost 4
VHost 5 success 0 sec 1 24 ms Reloading VHosts from admin account... VHost 5
VHost 6 success 0 sec 1 34 ms XEP-0199: XMPP Ping to virtual domain 'vhost-1' which is not on the server, expecting error response VHost 6
VHost 7 success 0 sec 1 36 ms Adding VHost 'vhost-1' from admin account VHost 7
VHost 8 success 0 sec 1 35 ms XEP-0199: XMPP Ping to virtual domain 'vhost-1' on the server VHost 8
VHost 9 success 0 sec 1 57 ms Removing VHost 'vhost-1' from admin account VHost 9
VHost 10 success 0 sec 1 51 ms XEP-0199: XMPP Ping to virtual domain 'vhost-1' which is not on the server, expecting error response VHost 10
VHost 11 success 0 sec 200 2 ms XEP-0199: XMPP Ping 200 non-existen vhosts on the server, expecting error responses VHost 11
VHost 12 success 1 sec 200 9 ms Adding 200 virtual hosts from admin account VHost 12
VHost 13 success 0 sec 200 1 ms XEP-0199: XMPP Ping all 200 virtual hosts on the server VHost 13
VHost 14 success 0 sec 1 20 ms Reloading all VHosts from admin account... VHost 14
VHost 15 success 1 sec 200 9 ms Removing 200 VHosts from admin account VHost 15
VHost 16 success 0 sec 200 1 ms XEP-0199: XMPP Ping 200 non-existen vhosts on the server, expecting error responses VHost 16
VHost 17 success 0 sec 1 11 ms Reloading all VHosts from admin account... VHost 17
Vhost end success 0 sec 1 14 ms XEP-0077 - In-Band Registration - user unregister Vhost end
Bosh 1 success 0 sec 1 3 ms Socket connect. Bosh 1
Bosh 2 success 0 sec 1 7 ms Stream open to server. Bosh 2
Bosh 3 success 0 sec 1 20 ms XEP-0077 - In-Band Registration, register Bosh 3
Bosh 4 success 0 sec 1 22 ms XEP-0078 Non-SASL authorization with plain password. Bosh 4
Bosh 5 success 0 sec 1 14 ms SASL authorization Bosh 5
Bosh 6 success 0 sec 1 17 ms XMPP resource bind Bosh 6
Bosh 7 success 0 sec 1 27 ms Establish XMPP session Bosh 7
Bosh 8 success 0 sec 1 17 ms Send a message to self user and don't wait for response Bosh 8
Bosh 9 success 0 sec 1 27 ms Send a message to all-xmpp-test_1 user Bosh 9
Bosh 10 success 0 sec 1 7 ms XEP-0092 - get entity version Bosh 10
Bosh 11 success 0 sec 1 74 ms XEP-0039 Statistics Gathering Bosh 11
Bosh 12 success 0 sec 1 112 ms Roster management test Bosh 12
Bosh 13 success 0 sec 1 88 ms Privacy lists management test Bosh 13
Bosh 14 success 0 sec 1 19 ms Privacy lists - send a message to blocking-test-user_1 user Bosh 14
Bosh 15 success 0 sec 1 63 ms XEP-0049: Private XML Storage Bosh 15
Bosh 16 success 0 sec 1 30 ms Test for feature-not-implemented error which should be returned when client sends unsupported stanza Bosh 16
Bosh 17 success 0 sec 1 49 ms XEP-0054: vcard-temp Bosh 17
Bosh 18 success 0 sec 1 22 ms XEP-0199: XMPP Ping to domain 'test-d' the user is logged in Bosh 18
Bosh 19 success 0 sec 1 26 ms XEP-0199: XMPP Ping to another, vrtual domain 'test-domain' on the server Bosh 19
Bosh 20 success 0 sec 1 19 ms XEP-0030: XMPP Service Discovery Bosh 20
Bosh 21 success 0 sec 2 238 ms Presence subscription test between 'admin' and 'all-xmpp-test'. Bosh 21
Bosh 22 success 1 sec 2 271 ms Presence cancel test between 'admin' and 'all-xmpp-test'. Bosh 22
Bosh 23 success 0 sec 2 180 ms Presence unsubscribe test between 'admin' and 'all-xmpp-test'. Bosh 23
Bosh 24 success 1 sec 2 296 ms Presence subscription deny test between 'admin' and 'all-xmpp-test'. Bosh 24
Bosh 25 success 0 sec 1 15 ms Send a message without resource binding and expect an error response. Bosh 25
Bosh end success 0 sec 1 23 ms XEP-0077 - In-Band Registration - user unregister Bosh end
Bosh keep-alive 1 success 0 sec 1 0 ms Socket connect. Bosh keep-alive 1
Bosh keep-alive 2 success 0 sec 1 3 ms Stream open to server. Bosh keep-alive 2
Bosh keep-alive3 success 0 sec 1 17 ms XEP-0077 - In-Band Registration, register Bosh keep-alive3
Bosh keep-alive 4 success 0 sec 1 11 ms XEP-0078 Non-SASL authorization with plain password. Bosh keep-alive 4
Bosh keep-alive 5 success 0 sec 1 26 ms SASL authorization Bosh keep-alive 5
Bosh keep-alive 6 success 0 sec 1 13 ms XMPP resource bind Bosh keep-alive 6
Bosh keep-alive 7 success 0 sec 1 23 ms Establish XMPP session Bosh keep-alive 7
Bosh keep-alive 8 success 0 sec 1 16 ms Send a message to self user and don't wait for response Bosh keep-alive 8
Bosh keep-alive 9 success 0 sec 1 34 ms Send a message to all-xmpp-test_1 user Bosh keep-alive 9
Bosh keep-alive 10 success 0 sec 1 9 ms XEP-0092 - get entity version Bosh keep-alive 10
Bosh keep-alive 11 success 0 sec 1 233 ms XEP-0039 Statistics Gathering Bosh keep-alive 11
Bosh keep-alive 12 success 0 sec 1 121 ms Roster management test Bosh keep-alive 12
Bosh keep-alive 13 success 0 sec 1 434 ms Privacy lists management test Bosh keep-alive 13
Bosh keep-alive 14 success 0 sec 1 48 ms Privacy lists - send a message to blocking-test-user_1 user Bosh keep-alive 14
Bosh keep-alive 15 success 0 sec 1 341 ms XEP-0049: Private XML Storage Bosh keep-alive 15
Bosh keep-alive 16 success 0 sec 1 19 ms Test for feature-not-implemented error which should be returned when client sends unsupported stanza Bosh keep-alive 16
Bosh keep-alive 17 success 0 sec 1 54 ms XEP-0054: vcard-temp Bosh keep-alive 17
Bosh keep-alive 18 success 0 sec 1 19 ms XEP-0199: XMPP Ping to domain 'test-d' the user is logged in Bosh keep-alive 18
Bosh keep-alive 19 success 0 sec 1 19 ms XEP-0199: XMPP Ping to another, vrtual domain 'test-domain' on the server Bosh keep-alive 19
Bosh keep-alive 20 success 0 sec 1 49 ms XEP-0030: XMPP Service Discovery Bosh keep-alive 20
Bosh keep-alive 21 success 0 sec 2 202 ms Presence subscription test between 'admin' and 'all-xmpp-test'. Bosh keep-alive 21
Bosh keep-alive 22 success 0 sec 2 165 ms Presence cancel test between 'admin' and 'all-xmpp-test'. Bosh keep-alive 22
Bosh keep-alive 23 success 1 sec 2 441 ms Presence unsubscribe test between 'admin' and 'all-xmpp-test'. Bosh keep-alive 23
Bosh keep-alive 24 success 0 sec 2 173 ms Presence subscription deny test between 'admin' and 'all-xmpp-test'. Bosh keep-alive 24
Bosh keep-alive 25 success 0 sec 1 18 ms Send a message without resource binding and expect an error response. Bosh keep-alive 25
Bosh keep-alive end success 0 sec 1 29 ms XEP-0077 - In-Band Registration - user unregister Bosh keep-alive end
Multi 1 success 2 sec 25 84 ms Multi-thread test of XEP-0077 - In-Band Registration, user register Multi 1
Multi 2 success 0 sec 25 14 ms Multi-thread test of server Version info Multi 2
Multi 3 success 6 sec 25 255 ms Multi-thread test of server Statistics info Multi 3
Multi 4 success 6 sec 25 256 ms Multi-thread test Roster management functions Multi 4
Multi 5 success 2 sec 25 89 ms Multi-thread test of message send to daemon user Multi 5
Multi 6 success 9 sec 25 395 ms Multi-thread test privacy lists management Multi 6
Multi 7 success 1 sec 25 75 ms Multi-thread test privacy lists - send a message to daemon user who blocks all messages Multi 7
Multi 8 success 3 sec 25 120 ms Multi-thread test privacy lists - send a message to daemon user with very long privacy list Multi 8

Test end time: Sep 26, 2009 10:38:35 PM

Total test time: 0 hours, 1 minutes, 13 seconds, 691 ms.

Server stats after test:

message-router:Last second packets 685
message-router:Last minute packets 217361
message-router:Last hour packets 0
message-router:Packets received 237685
message-router:Packets sent 849
message-router:In queue: SYSTEM 0
message-router:Out queue: SYSTEM 0
message-router:In queue: CLUSTER 0
message-router:Out queue: CLUSTER 0
message-router:In queue: HIGH 0
message-router:Out queue: HIGH 0
message-router:In queue: NORMAL 0
message-router:Out queue: NORMAL 0
message-router:In queue: LOW 0
message-router:Out queue: LOW 0
message-router:In queue: PRESENCE 0
message-router:Out queue: PRESENCE 0
message-router:Total In queues wait 0
message-router:Total Out queues wait 0
message-router:Max queue size 11650
message-router:IN Queue overflow 0
message-router:OUT Queue overflow 0
message-router:Average processing time on last 100 runs [ms] 0
message-router:IN_QUEUE messages 226649
message-router:IN_QUEUE presences 140
message-router:IN_QUEUE IQ no XMLNS 1561
message-router:IN_QUEUE IQ bind 546
message-router:IN_QUEUE IQ command 3927
message-router:IN_QUEUE IQ error 1
message-router:IN_QUEUE IQ http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info 6
message-router:IN_QUEUE IQ http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items 6
message-router:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:agents 6
message-router:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:auth 12
message-router:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:privacy 622
message-router:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:private 36
message-router:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:register 99
message-router:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:roster 799
message-router:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:roster-dynamic 12
message-router:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:version 64
message-router:IN_QUEUE IQ not-yet-supported 6
message-router:IN_QUEUE IQ ping 2021
message-router:IN_QUEUE IQ pubsub 18
message-router:IN_QUEUE IQ session 3
message-router:IN_QUEUE IQ text 6
message-router:IN_QUEUE IQ vCard 15
message-router:OUT_QUEUE messages 0
message-router:OUT_QUEUE presences 0
message-router:OUT_QUEUE IQ no XMLNS 0
message-router:OUT_QUEUE IQ command 441
message-router:OUT_QUEUE IQ http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info 3
message-router:OUT_QUEUE IQ http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items 3
message-router:OUT_QUEUE IQ ping 402
message-router:Local hostname devel.tigase.org
message-router:Uptime 2 min, 1 sec
message-router:Load average 4.2251
message-router:CPUs no 2
message-router:Threads count 111
message-router:CPU usage 51%
message-router:Max Heap mem 910,272 KB
message-router:Used Heap 271,417 KB
message-router:Free Heap 638,854 KB
message-router:Max NonHeap mem 135,168 KB
message-router:Used NonHeap 58,576 KB
message-router:Free NonHeap 76,591 KB
vhost-man:Number of VHosts 2
vhost-man:Checks: is local domain 454900
vhost-man:Checks: is anonymous domain 0
vhost-man:Get components for local domain 113961
vhost-man:Get components for non-local domain 402
bosh:Last second packets 11
bosh:Last minute packets 0
bosh:Last hour packets 0
bosh:Packets received 781
bosh:Packets sent 681
bosh:In queue: SYSTEM 0
bosh:Out queue: SYSTEM 0
bosh:In queue: CLUSTER 0
bosh:Out queue: CLUSTER 0
bosh:In queue: HIGH 0
bosh:Out queue: HIGH 0
bosh:In queue: NORMAL 0
bosh:Out queue: NORMAL 0
bosh:In queue: LOW 0
bosh:Out queue: LOW 0
bosh:In queue: PRESENCE 0
bosh:Out queue: PRESENCE 0
bosh:Total In queues wait 0
bosh:Total Out queues wait 0
bosh:Max queue size 11650
bosh:IN Queue overflow 0
bosh:OUT Queue overflow 0
bosh:Average processing time on last 100 runs [ms] 0
bosh:IN_QUEUE messages 8
bosh:IN_QUEUE presences 18
bosh:IN_QUEUE IQ no XMLNS 40
bosh:IN_QUEUE IQ bind 46
bosh:IN_QUEUE IQ command 277
bosh:IN_QUEUE IQ http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info 2
bosh:IN_QUEUE IQ http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items 2
bosh:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:agents 2
bosh:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:auth 2
bosh:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:privacy 16
bosh:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:private 10
bosh:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:register 2
bosh:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:roster 138
bosh:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:version 2
bosh:IN_QUEUE IQ not-yet-supported 2
bosh:IN_QUEUE IQ vCard 4
bosh:OUT_QUEUE messages 8
bosh:OUT_QUEUE presences 28
bosh:OUT_QUEUE IQ no XMLNS 124
bosh:OUT_QUEUE IQ bind 46
bosh:OUT_QUEUE IQ command 220
bosh:OUT_QUEUE IQ error 1
bosh:OUT_QUEUE IQ http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info 2
bosh:OUT_QUEUE IQ http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items 2
bosh:OUT_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:agents 2
bosh:OUT_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:auth 4
bosh:OUT_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:privacy 28
bosh:OUT_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:private 14
bosh:OUT_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:register 6
bosh:OUT_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:roster 80
bosh:OUT_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:version 2
bosh:OUT_QUEUE IQ not-yet-supported 2
bosh:OUT_QUEUE IQ ping 4
bosh:OUT_QUEUE IQ session 2
bosh:OUT_QUEUE IQ vCard 6
bosh:Open connections 0
bosh:Waiting to send 0
bosh:Watchdog runs 0
bosh:Watchdog tests 0
bosh:Watchdog stopped 0
c2s:Last second packets 301
c2s:Last minute packets 1521
c2s:Last hour packets 0
c2s:Packets received 4964
c2s:Packets sent 4725
c2s:In queue: SYSTEM 0
c2s:Out queue: SYSTEM 0
c2s:In queue: CLUSTER 0
c2s:Out queue: CLUSTER 0
c2s:In queue: HIGH 0
c2s:Out queue: HIGH 0
c2s:In queue: NORMAL 0
c2s:Out queue: NORMAL 0
c2s:In queue: LOW 0
c2s:Out queue: LOW 0
c2s:In queue: PRESENCE 0
c2s:Out queue: PRESENCE 0
c2s:Total In queues wait 0
c2s:Total Out queues wait 0
c2s:Max queue size 11650
c2s:IN Queue overflow 0
c2s:OUT Queue overflow 0
c2s:Average processing time on last 100 runs [ms] 0
c2s:IN_QUEUE messages 1139
c2s:IN_QUEUE presences 18
c2s:IN_QUEUE IQ no XMLNS 491
c2s:IN_QUEUE IQ bind 227
c2s:IN_QUEUE IQ command 989
c2s:IN_QUEUE IQ http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info 1
c2s:IN_QUEUE IQ http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items 1
c2s:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:agents 1
c2s:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:auth 2
c2s:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:privacy 208
c2s:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:private 5
c2s:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:register 30
c2s:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:roster 366
c2s:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:roster-dynamic 5
c2s:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:version 29
c2s:IN_QUEUE IQ not-yet-supported 1
c2s:IN_QUEUE IQ ping 402
c2s:IN_QUEUE IQ pubsub 2
c2s:IN_QUEUE IQ text 3
c2s:IN_QUEUE IQ vCard 2
c2s:OUT_QUEUE messages 1138
c2s:OUT_QUEUE presences 21
c2s:OUT_QUEUE IQ bind 227
c2s:OUT_QUEUE IQ command 1552
c2s:OUT_QUEUE IQ http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info 1
c2s:OUT_QUEUE IQ http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items 1
c2s:OUT_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:agents 1
c2s:OUT_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:auth 4
c2s:OUT_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:privacy 370
c2s:OUT_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:private 7
c2s:OUT_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:register 61
c2s:OUT_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:roster 215
c2s:OUT_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:roster-dynamic 7
c2s:OUT_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:version 29
c2s:OUT_QUEUE IQ not-yet-supported 1
c2s:OUT_QUEUE IQ ping 606
c2s:OUT_QUEUE IQ pubsub 7
c2s:OUT_QUEUE IQ session 1
c2s:OUT_QUEUE IQ vCard 3
c2s:Open connections 4
c2s:Waiting to send 0
c2s:Watchdog runs 0
c2s:Watchdog tests 0
c2s:Watchdog stopped 0
ext-comp:Last second packets 0
ext-comp:Last minute packets 4
ext-comp:Last hour packets 0
ext-comp:Packets received 4
ext-comp:Packets sent 4
ext-comp:In queue: SYSTEM 0
ext-comp:Out queue: SYSTEM 0
ext-comp:In queue: CLUSTER 0
ext-comp:Out queue: CLUSTER 0
ext-comp:In queue: HIGH 0
ext-comp:Out queue: HIGH 0
ext-comp:In queue: NORMAL 0
ext-comp:Out queue: NORMAL 0
ext-comp:In queue: LOW 0
ext-comp:Out queue: LOW 0
ext-comp:In queue: PRESENCE 0
ext-comp:Out queue: PRESENCE 0
ext-comp:Total In queues wait 0
ext-comp:Total Out queues wait 0
ext-comp:Max queue size 2330
ext-comp:IN Queue overflow 0
ext-comp:OUT Queue overflow 0
ext-comp:Average processing time on last 100 runs [ms] 0
ext-comp:IN_QUEUE messages 0
ext-comp:IN_QUEUE presences 0
ext-comp:IN_QUEUE IQ no XMLNS 2
ext-comp:IN_QUEUE IQ command 2
ext-comp:OUT_QUEUE messages 0
ext-comp:OUT_QUEUE presences 0
ext-comp:OUT_QUEUE IQ no XMLNS 0
ext-comp:OUT_QUEUE IQ command 4
ext-comp:Open connections 0
ext-comp:Waiting to send 0
ext-comp:Watchdog runs 0
ext-comp:Watchdog tests 0
ext-comp:Watchdog stopped 0
muc:Last second packets 0
muc:Last minute packets 0
muc:Last hour packets 0
muc:Packets received 2
muc:Packets sent 2
muc:In queue: SYSTEM 0
muc:Out queue: SYSTEM 0
muc:In queue: CLUSTER 0
muc:Out queue: CLUSTER 0
muc:In queue: HIGH 0
muc:Out queue: HIGH 0
muc:In queue: NORMAL 0
muc:Out queue: NORMAL 0
muc:In queue: LOW 0
muc:Out queue: LOW 0
muc:In queue: PRESENCE 0
muc:Out queue: PRESENCE 0
muc:Total In queues wait 0
muc:Total Out queues wait 0
muc:Max queue size 2330
muc:IN Queue overflow 0
muc:OUT Queue overflow 0
muc:Average processing time on last 100 runs [ms] 0
muc:IN_QUEUE messages 0
muc:IN_QUEUE presences 2
muc:OUT_QUEUE messages 0
muc:OUT_QUEUE presences 2
pubsub:Last second packets 0
pubsub:Last minute packets 0
pubsub:Last hour packets 0
pubsub:Packets received 8
pubsub:Packets sent 9
pubsub:In queue: SYSTEM 0
pubsub:Out queue: SYSTEM 0
pubsub:In queue: CLUSTER 0
pubsub:Out queue: CLUSTER 0
pubsub:In queue: HIGH 0
pubsub:Out queue: HIGH 0
pubsub:In queue: NORMAL 0
pubsub:Out queue: NORMAL 0
pubsub:In queue: LOW 0
pubsub:Out queue: LOW 0
pubsub:In queue: PRESENCE 0
pubsub:Out queue: PRESENCE 0
pubsub:Total In queues wait 0
pubsub:Total Out queues wait 0
pubsub:Max queue size 2330
pubsub:IN Queue overflow 0
pubsub:OUT Queue overflow 0
pubsub:Average processing time on last 100 runs [ms] 0
pubsub:IN_QUEUE messages 0
pubsub:IN_QUEUE presences 0
pubsub:IN_QUEUE IQ no XMLNS 0
pubsub:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:version 1
pubsub:IN_QUEUE IQ pubsub 7
pubsub:OUT_QUEUE messages 1
pubsub:OUT_QUEUE presences 0
pubsub:OUT_QUEUE IQ no XMLNS 2
pubsub:OUT_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:version 1
pubsub:OUT_QUEUE IQ pubsub 2
pubsub:OUT_QUEUE IQ text 3
pubsub:Cached nodes 3
pubsub:Unsaved nodes 0
pubsub:Update subscriptions calls 4
pubsub:Subscriptions count (in cache) 4
pubsub:Affiliations count (in cache) 4
pubsub:Repository writes 3
pubsub:Added new nodes 3
pubsub:Total writing time 78ms
pubsub:Average DB write time [ms] 13
sess-man:Last second packets 339
sess-man:Last minute packets 13634
sess-man:Last hour packets 0
sess-man:Packets received 118963
sess-man:Packets sent 119308
sess-man:In queue: SYSTEM 0
sess-man:Out queue: SYSTEM 0
sess-man:In queue: CLUSTER 0
sess-man:Out queue: CLUSTER 0
sess-man:In queue: HIGH 0
sess-man:Out queue: HIGH 0
sess-man:In queue: NORMAL 0
sess-man:Out queue: NORMAL 0
sess-man:In queue: LOW 0
sess-man:Out queue: LOW 0
sess-man:In queue: PRESENCE 0
sess-man:Out queue: PRESENCE 0
sess-man:Total In queues wait 0
sess-man:Total Out queues wait 0
sess-man:Max queue size 11650
sess-man:IN Queue overflow 0
sess-man:OUT Queue overflow 0
sess-man:Average processing time on last 100 runs [ms] 0
sess-man:IN_QUEUE messages 113396
sess-man:IN_QUEUE presences 102
sess-man:IN_QUEUE IQ no XMLNS 207
sess-man:IN_QUEUE IQ bind 273
sess-man:IN_QUEUE IQ command 2217
sess-man:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:agents 3
sess-man:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:auth 8
sess-man:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:privacy 398
sess-man:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:private 21
sess-man:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:register 67
sess-man:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:roster 295
sess-man:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:roster-dynamic 7
sess-man:IN_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:version 32
sess-man:IN_QUEUE IQ not-yet-supported 3
sess-man:IN_QUEUE IQ ping 1217
sess-man:IN_QUEUE IQ pubsub 9
sess-man:IN_QUEUE IQ session 3
sess-man:IN_QUEUE IQ text 3
sess-man:IN_QUEUE IQ vCard 9
sess-man:OUT_QUEUE messages 113397
sess-man:OUT_QUEUE presences 89
sess-man:OUT_QUEUE IQ no XMLNS 1428
sess-man:OUT_QUEUE IQ bind 273
sess-man:OUT_QUEUE IQ command 1710
sess-man:OUT_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:agents 3
sess-man:OUT_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:auth 4
sess-man:OUT_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:privacy 224
sess-man:OUT_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:private 15
sess-man:OUT_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:register 32
sess-man:OUT_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:roster 504
sess-man:OUT_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:roster-dynamic 5
sess-man:OUT_QUEUE IQ jabber:iq:version 32
sess-man:OUT_QUEUE IQ not-yet-supported 3
sess-man:OUT_QUEUE IQ ping 1009
sess-man:OUT_QUEUE IQ pubsub 9
sess-man:OUT_QUEUE IQ text 3
sess-man:OUT_QUEUE IQ vCard 6
sess-man:Registered accounts 34
sess-man:Open user connections 7
sess-man:Maximum user connections 22
sess-man:Total user connections 352
sess-man:Closed user connections 299
sess-man:Open user sessions 6
sess-man:Maximum user sessions 11
sess-man:Total user sessions 230
sess-man:Authentication timouts 0
sess-man:Processor: http://jabber.org/protocol/commands Queue: 0, AvTime: 1, Runs: 883, Lost: 0
sess-man:Processor: http://jabber.org/protocol/stats Queue: 0, AvTime: 0, Runs: 883, Lost: 0
sess-man:Processor: jabber:iq:auth Queue: 0, AvTime: 4, Runs: 8, Lost: 0
sess-man:Processor: jabber:iq:privacy Queue: 0, AvTime: 4, Runs: 398, Lost: 0
sess-man:Processor: jabber:iq:private Queue: 0, AvTime: 16, Runs: 21, Lost: 0
sess-man:Processor: jabber:iq:register Queue: 0, AvTime: 10, Runs: 67, Lost: 0
sess-man:Processor: jabber:iq:version Queue: 0, AvTime: 3, Runs: 32, Lost: 0
sess-man:Processor: roster-presence Queue: 0, AvTime: 10, Runs: 374, Lost: 0
sess-man:Processor: starttls Queue: 0, AvTime: 0, Runs: 4, Lost: 0
sess-man:Processor: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind Queue: 0, AvTime: 1, Runs: 273, Lost: 0
sess-man:Processor: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl Queue: 0, AvTime: 20, Runs: 562, Lost: 0
sess-man:Processor: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session Queue: 0, AvTime: 0, Runs: 3, Lost: 0
sess-man:Processor: urn:xmpp:ping Queue: 0, AvTime: 1, Runs: 1217, Lost: 0
sess-man:Processor: vcard-temp Queue: 0, AvTime: 5, Runs: 9, Lost: 0
sess-man:Processor: session-close Queue: 0, AvTime: 1, Runs: 340, Lost: 0
sess-man:Processor: session-open Queue: 0, AvTime: 1, Runs: 350, Lost: 0
srecv:Last second packets 0
srecv:Last minute packets 70711
srecv:Last hour packets 0
srecv:Packets received 79493
srecv:Packets sent 112118
srecv:In queue: SYSTEM 0
srecv:Out queue: SYSTEM 0
srecv:In queue: CLUSTER 0
srecv:Out queue: CLUSTER 0
srecv:In queue: HIGH 0
srecv:Out queue: HIGH 0
srecv:In queue: NORMAL 0
srecv:Out queue: NORMAL 0
srecv:In queue: LOW 0
srecv:Out queue: LOW 0
srecv:In queue: PRESENCE 0
srecv:Out queue: PRESENCE 0
srecv:Total In queues wait 0
srecv:Total Out queues wait 0
srecv:Max queue size 2330
srecv:IN Queue overflow 32625
srecv:OUT Queue overflow 0
srecv:Average processing time on last 100 runs [ms] 0
srecv:IN_QUEUE messages 79493
srecv:IN_QUEUE presences 0
srecv:IN_QUEUE IQ no XMLNS 0
srecv:OUT_QUEUE messages 112118
srecv:OUT_QUEUE presences 0
unknown:Stats level FINEST